
March 27, 2023

In this Edition:

  1. Quote.

  2. Update & Motivate: Why?

  3. Book Review: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.

  4. Free Novella: Becoming Pablo by Teresa van Bryce.

  5. My Favorite Things: Erasable Pens.

  6. Final thoughts.

Update & Motivate:

Do you ever find yourself asking ”Why?”

Sometimes the question irritates me, like when my children ask it, and they should know the answer to the question they’re asking. But sometimes it’s a question we overlook in life.

Why do we say the things we say? Why are we with the people we’re with? Why do we like the things we like? Why do we eat the things we eat? Etc.

In writing, the question comes up a lot: why do the characters do this or that? Why this story-line over that one? Etc.

But one question I think everyone should ask themselves is why they’re doing what they’re doing.

I’ve recently read the book Big Magic (review and more discussion below), a non-fiction book, and one topic stuck out to me: “Why?”

The author didn’t spin it like I’m about to, but a passage in this book gave me a boost and ties in to the question: what keeps me going?

Not long ago, I asked myself why I wanted to write. The topic came up in a writing lecture I was listening to, and I felt lacking when I asked myself the question.

Because my “why” wasn’t really a big one. A lot of people who do what they do, do it because they want to “help” people or they want to change the world or the way people think or behave. They want big impact.

My writing pursuit never started that way, and still, to this day, I don’t write so I can change the world.

I write because 1.) I really enjoy writing. 2.) I want people to enjoy my writing.

In essence, I write because because I want to take myself and others on an experience, like a roller coaster.

I want to feel things while I’m writing. I want you to feel things while you’re reading. But I don’t do it to drastically change anyone or anything.

For a while, I felt guilty about wanting to spend my time on something so “frivolous”…entertainment.

Shouldn’t I desire to go back into medicine and truly “help” people?

But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that “help” can take many forms. And artistry in its various shapes and sizes is a tremendous form of help.

So, I don’t feel guilty anymore. I simply enjoy the process and know that I do this because I love it. And I love the feeling of other people enjoying something I create.

I write to create feelings and connections. And THIS, my reason why, is how I’ve been able to keep going in the face of rejection, even knowing that not everyone will love what I create.

I know why I’m doing this, and I know what I’m giving up to not do it, and that’s not something I’m willing to let go of right now.


Last Monday, I met with the last two people who were reading CONSUMED, my psychological thriller.

They both loved the book.

One person wasn’t crazy about one of the points of view (I have 3 in this book.) But overall, I’ve never had such a unanimously fantastic review of one of my works.

And the best part? My confidence in this book was shaken 2 years ago. Now, I feel like it’s there. And I’m excited.

Let’s just hope my agent feels the same way. I won’t be able to fully relax on that score until I hear from her.

If you’re wondering about THE LOVE PENTAGON (temporary title). My edits are going well. I really feel like the changes I’m making are creating a better work of fiction!


Book Review:

I haven’t read EAT PRAY LOVE. Though, after reading BIG MAGIC, I’m curious.

I read this book because one reader recommended it to me (thanks Amanda!) and another referenced it when I mentioned my recent writing dilemma (when I felt I’d written a story that was eerily familiar to one already out in the world). (Thanks, Pam!)

This book is all about creative freedom, pursuing it, pushing past artistic difficulties, and incorporating imagination into your life.

If you’re an artist of any kind struggling to justify your creative craft or dealing with doubt in yourself, or you WANT to live a more creative life, but don’t feel like you can, then this is a book for you.

Even though I personally don’t have a problem living a creative life, I found the book entertaining, insightful, interesting. And see it’s usefulness in the world.

I tucked some pearls into my pocket.

Goodreads Summary:

Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. Gilbert offers insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration. She asks us to embrace our curiosity and let go of needless suffering. She shows us how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear. She discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives. Balancing between soulful spirituality and cheerful pragmatism, Gilbert encourages us to uncover the “strange jewels” that are hidden within each of us. Whether we are looking to write a book, make art, find new ways to address challenges in our work, embark on a dream long deferred, or simply infuse our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion, Big Magic cracks open a world of wonder and joy.



My Favorite Things: Colorful Erasable Pens

This was on my “gift list for authors” during the holidays. My husband read my newsletter and ordered me these pens for Christmas without my knowledge.

I had a black set (of 2) that someone gave me, and knew I loved them. I even ordered these colorful ones for a friend, but I was too cheap to order them for myself.

I was excited to find them in my stocking. And I tell you, I USE them. There’s something really satisfying about being able to use a pen while in the back of your mind, you’re know: I can erase this if I need to.

I don’t just use these for author projects either. Meal planning. Notes/reminders on my desk. The colorful ink, so many color choices, and the erase-ability put these pens on my “favorite things” list.

Mine came from Amazon.


Final thoughts:

You don’t need anyone’s permission. Consult if you want. But the only permission you need is yours.

Go write your own story with colorful, erasable pens, my friend.

Much glitter,


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